Lori Youngdahl~Oils4Rookies

17 years ago my boys were sick all the time with asthma and allergies that didn't make sense to me or their doctors. I had to quickly learn about how synthetic fragrances and lots of ingredients in personal care products were giving them rashes and inflaming their lungs.

I also learned how FOOD was a source of inflammation. There was no Pinterest yet so this was the "olden days" when I had to read books. I ended up stumbling on to essential oils for stress and different skin things and discovered quickly that my kids lungs looooved these oils.

I learned how digestive enzymes could help their bodies deal with a food exposure. I realized that not all oils and supplements are equal... some are terrible and some are high quality. I didn't want to waste my time and money on stuff that wouldn't work as well. I did try some cheaper versions when I'd run out and after seeing the difference a high quality oil and supplement made, I never used the junky stuff again.

What I found in Young Living was so much more than I ever bargained for. Loved the safe products, convenient solutions, I got radiant skin and better moods along the way and a whole education community of people who love to share tips, recipes and resources.

Did I mention the RESULTS??? Today my boys have their full HEALTH thanks to me stumbling onto these products. s I wondered why doesn't everyone know about this????

I couldn't stop talking about what I was seeing with my boys. People got curious, tried a few things and they worked for them too.

I figure... I only get one body. Plants and bodies work pretty darn well together in harmony.

TIP: if you can only take ONE supplement - try NingXia Red for the antioxidants and nutrients it offers for better sleep, better muscle function and great healthy blood sugars.

If you can only try ONE oil: get Thieves. Your immune system will thank you.

Lori Youngdahl~Oils4Rookies

Today you may be wondering, “Do I REALLY need these products?” But, just wait. Before you know it, you’ll be wearing them as perfume, diffusing them to fill your home with beneficial aromas, taking them in supplements, adding them to your personal care routine, and creating all kinds of unique and custom blends and products for your home. Whether you are a DIY queen or want your clean products convenient and ready to go, everything you need will be at your fingertips. And the best part? All of this is figured out for you. Just wait until you tap into our endless resources, ideas, suggestions, and education.


It's no secret that we are crazy about NingXia Red. Use this antioxidant and nutrition powerhouse for 14 consecutive days with our viral Reset and you'll see why! Honestly, we're better people when we drink it. Sound a little far-fetched? Think about it. Do cars run better when fueled by the right gas? Yep. Yet we often expect our bodies to run on second-rate, processed, non-fuel. We get worn out, our digestive systems get tired, our cells get dirty, and we need something we can assimilate quickly and easily to go to work. NingXia gives our bodies the boost that we need!



You name it…oils can do it. Gentle, versatile, easy to keep with you and use consistently, you will find yourself reaching for these little bottles over and over again. Oils are distilled from the roots, bark, leaves, and flowers of our beautiful earth to create a sustainable and reliable way to give us individual care. This is our ancestor’s heartfelt, generational knowledge combined with the most cutting edge scientific advancements in wellness to create products you can trust.


Thieves essential oil is one of Young Living's most popular products, and for great reason. One sniff (or quick PubMed search!) is all it takes to fall in love with this blend and its power!

Young Living offers a complete line of home products infused with the Thieves essential oil blend. This means our homes can be fresh, clean and toxin-free with ease… and smell incredible at the same time! Thieves means high quality, effective products, sustainable sourcing, and safety for the whole family.


You’re investing in your future and you care about the sustainability and integrity of the products you use. Young Living has been leading this industry for nearly 30 years. They’re not jumping onto a trend or bandwagon, they created it. From sheep grazing their lavender fields next to a castle in France as toxin-free weed management to an award-winning green corporate building in Utah, to schools being built in communities so field workers’ children can attend school, to a Seed to Seal promise for every drop of oil that is tested and shipped out to you, Young Living is where the standards of the last century meet the innovations of the next.

While those who join our community are delighted with their products, the perk that never fails to shock and awe them is the community. Forget the lonely existence of Google searching and wishing you had someone to go to with your questions. Whether you simply want to sleep better, lower your stress, support your child’s skin or digestive health, or you want an extra stream of income that could become a game-changer, we have the tools you need to equip you for change.